
Friday April 11th


chat room a website where people can chat by typing messages back and forth

Today we will take a practice quiz on the words that we have put into our technology notebook so far. The quiz will be written and you will need a piece of paper and something to write with. After the quiz, we are going to do some detective work to find out about keyboard shortcuts.

7th: Let's start today by looking at a defintion for copyright. In class, we will review your answers to yesterday's internet safety questions and talk about what happens when you don't respect copyright law.

8th: Today I would like to discuss the questions that you answered after the "Shift Happens" video. Towards the end of class I will give you some time to look at student made web sites from another school to give you some ideas for your projects. When you have your company idea, answer these questions. If you don't finish the questions you will need to finish over break (print out what you have so far and write out the rest at home).

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