
Welcome Back

 image source: http://academiclink.stevensonuniversity.org/files/welcback.jpg

Welcome back!!!  If you somehow managed to figure out the new schedule here at SMS then you have officially passed the first test of the year.  Maybe you can actually explain it to me when you get a chance   : )  Moving on, I am truly excited to get the school year underway and I'm sure you feel exactly the same way [insert eye rolling here].  Two years ago, I was moved from this course into a 6th grade social studies classroom and I have been itching to get back ever since.  This semester marks the day of my return and for some of you the second time that you have had the pleasure of being in my class.  I hope that you are ready to learn because I have quite a lot to teach you about computers and the way that you use them.  So what's up with this site?  This is actually the starting point for class everyday and you will find all of the information (e.g. assignments, handouts, homework, study guides) that you will need for class here.  To get started I would like you to read over the classroom rules and procedures.  Also, please complete the following brief survey before class on Tuesday.  Make sure you answer every question because this is actually your first graded assignment.

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