
Tuesday, August 31

6th:  In class today we are going to quickly review the rules and procedures/grading policy for this class.  Most of class today will be spent looking at the differences between my two websites and how you will use them.

7th:  In class today we are going to quickly review the rules and procedures/grading policy for this class. Most of class today will be spent looking at the differences between my two websites and how you will use them.  We will also be discussing your project for the semester and checking out some company ideas.

8th:  In class today we are going to quickly review the rules and procedures/grading policy for this class. Most of class today will be spent looking at the differences between my two websites and how you will use them.  We will also begin our unit of podcasting today.  To get started I would like you to watch a short video titled  "Podcasting in Plain English" and answer a few clarifying questions.  If you do not finish the questions in class, you should complete them for homework and e-mail them to me by the start of class on Thursday.

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