
Thursday, February 24th (Even Day)

6th:  Today we will begin our first in-class project.  It is going to take several classes to complete and by the end of it you will will know just about everything there is to know about Microsoft Word!  There are 8 parts to the assignment, we will begin the first part today in class.  You will have two classes (including today) to acquire all of the information for this first part of the assignment.

In order to complete the first part of the assignment you will need to use the notes organizer to organize all of the information that you gather about your musical artist. Copy and paste (use keyboard shortcuts!!!) the notes organizer questions into a word document in order to get started.  You will be using the Rolling Stone website to gather all of your information.

7th:  Today is the second time block of three that you will have to work on the Company Logo Assignment.  By the start of Wednesday's class next week, you should have both part 1 and 2 completed and saved into the correct "in bin" folder for your time block.  If you need a refresher on how to save your work, watch this video.
Before you get started using SumoPaint, you will need to check out the following videos:

8th:  After some deliberation, I have decided to use the program KidBlog for our blogs.  Using KidBlog will allow us to start blogging without creating accounts and/or remembering login information and it is also much easier for me to follow your blogs and the content that you are posting before it becomes accessible on the web.  Your log-in for your blog is your SMS user name and password.  In order to access your blog you will need to use the links below (they are also located on our Diigo website):

Even Time Block 3
Even Time Block 4

Once you have completed your first blog entry, you can enter it into your KidBlog using the link above.  Be sure to include in-line links and any media (e.g. pictures, video) that will give the reader more information about the topic.  Check out the KidBlog playlist on the Class YouTube Channel for videos on how to add content to your KidBlog entry.

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