
Tuesday, September 14th (EVEN)

6th:  Today's vocabulary word is download.  To download something means to take it (e.g. program, song, photo) from the web and put it on your computer.  After you put today's vocabulary word into your notebook, talk with a neighbor about today's word.  Have you ever downloaded something onto your computer?  Can anything bad happen when we download?

Today in class we will be talking about the inside of the computers.  If we have time: Activity 1 & Activity 2

7th:  Company idea...done.  Company web...done.  What's next?  A logo of course!  We need to create a design that can be recognized worldwide.  I will be showing you up front how we can do that using a program called sumo paint.  Sounds funny but it's a really powerful program comparable to Photoshop itself!

Your web scores are below:

Timeblock 1 Class (click on image to enlarge)

Timeblock 2 Class (click on image to enlarge)

8th:  Time to record!  If you have your script complete you will be recording in class using Microsoft's sound recorder.  I will be talking to start class and showing you how to find and use this simple program.

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